Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Project 4 ~ AMD vs INTEL

Intel’s chips are a lot better than AMD’s says a lot of people but AMD’s is a lot better than Intel’s says AMD, but which one is true. Which one is really better amongst the two?

The battle between the two rivaling CPUs has been there ever since the birth of the two companies. From the very start there were always competition between the two. AMD has always been the underdog since Intel has been getting a lot of support. AMD has something to show thou and doesn’t want

There came a time where AMD was no match for Intel and people knows it. I have always though so but this is not always the case. Few years ago, year 2005, there came a time where AMD challenged Intel to a processor/CPU competition front to front. There was a whole one page newspaper for this challenge of AMD vs Intel. It was the time where dual core processors were new and the top models of AMD and Intel are still AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+, Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 840. Intel surprisingly refused to fight off front to AMD back then. People wondered why and did the competition by themselves. Then there came the Cnet review.

In the Cnet review, Cnet took 5 AMDs best and 5 Intels bests and compared both through 7 categories. Cnet compared both processor using everyday applications, gaming, multi tasking performance, photo editing performance, mp3 encoding, video encoding and price. AMD surprisingly won all the rounds that Cnet lined up for the fight. It was at the gaming category however than AMD struck down Intel most because even AMD’s weakest beat Intel’s strongest processor in the category. This time around AMD really defeated Intel big time. The smaller company, David vs the bigger company Goliath earned more this time around. They had the upper hand and grabbed a big chunk of 9 billion dollars from intel.
Intel however, didn’t let this David and Goliath act run for long. Goliath Intel recovered back 2006 and beated AMD over and over again especially at their release of the Intel Core Duo. Intel Code Duo beats AMD’s top of the line product Athlon 64 x2 3800++ EE in most aspects.

It was a good release by Intel and was a really powerful processor. It’s price is reasonable as AMD and was better in terms of processing power and efficiency. Intel has beaten AMD again.

AMD took a beat from Intel’s Core Duo processor. From Tom’s review. Intel won over every aspect this time around. A role reversal from what the Cnet 2005 review has been. AMD became the underdog again.

AMD however still beats Intel however at energy energy efficiency despite the weights shown on the chart because the L2 stepping of Intel doesn’t really work so well with a lot of hardware. Certain upgrades and the like is a must for L2 stepping of intel to work and is a really tedious task. “Whenever low acquisition costs, low follow-up costs as well as low power consumption are important, AMD's processors are still first choice.” Says Tom’s Tom’s Energy Efficiency: AMD vs Intel comparison. AMD is still first choice when you look at the chip’s price as well.

In terms of overall performance and quality today, Intel beats AMD big time. This will not hold forever true as what AMD showed year 2005. There will come a time that AMD will be better than Intel and there will also come a time where Intel will be a lot better than AMD. There is this energy efficient factor thou where AMD beats Intel and this factor cannot just be put aside. As what has tom said “Our projections for a year's electricity bill ranged from €48 to €221, depending on the processor. A cheap but inefficient processor may prove expensive in the long run.”.But in my opinion, as for now, Intel’s chip compared with AMD’s energy efficient chips hand in hand is still better than their AMD counterpart and will remain victorious over it. But in the world of technology, nothing really is for certain and only time will tell as what was proved to us by Microsoft over Apple. Who knows? AMD might turn out to be the PC’s Microsoft when the time comes.


C|net AMD vs Intel 2005 Review

Tom’s Energy Efficiency: AMD vs Intel

AMD vs Intel

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