Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I believe that there is no good or bad in the use of technology. It all just drops down to whoever uses it and for what purpose he uses it for. For good, it helps makes tasks easier and much more time efficient. For bad, it can be used to steal, hack, stalk and even murder someone as what the case of the movie was. Technology is a tool after all, and people use it however they like to use it, there is no way to control people who do evil through the use of technology. It is a matter of individual choice after all and if someone wants to for example, stalk you, there is nothing you could do to stop him or her from doing what he or she want.

I learned however that there are ways to prevent evil users of technology from being able to do what they want to the point of getting access crucial information about you. You should learn their tricks if you are to prevent them from doing anyting to you. You should learn to think like them and counter their moves before they even do it and that’s where the study of cracking/hacking comes into place, to make people aware and prevent malicious attacks from these groups of technology users. And that's why, we, IT people, should really learn about all this things, to prevent these things from happening.  

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