Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I believe that there is no good or bad in the use of technology. It all just drops down to whoever uses it and for what purpose he uses it for. For good, it helps makes tasks easier and much more time efficient. For bad, it can be used to steal, hack, stalk and even murder someone as what the case of the movie was. Technology is a tool after all, and people use it however they like to use it, there is no way to control people who do evil through the use of technology. It is a matter of individual choice after all and if someone wants to for example, stalk you, there is nothing you could do to stop him or her from doing what he or she want.

I learned however that there are ways to prevent evil users of technology from being able to do what they want to the point of getting access crucial information about you. You should learn their tricks if you are to prevent them from doing anyting to you. You should learn to think like them and counter their moves before they even do it and that’s where the study of cracking/hacking comes into place, to make people aware and prevent malicious attacks from these groups of technology users. And that's why, we, IT people, should really learn about all this things, to prevent these things from happening.  

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Internet Security

Online network security is very important, as what have been demonstrated to us, online networks are prone to malicious attacks from hackers if coding or construction of the program of a network is coded in certain ways. They can delete datas, modify contents, and ruin your whole network if you make a wrong line of code in your program. It is important for us, IT people, to take all pre caution before releasing a software online. I learned that we should all learn these techniques to avoid, if not, minimize vurnerabilities of important systems especially when we are already dealing with information critical systems.

I now understand why we should study the art of hacking and some possible vurnerabilities on making databases, software, and online system networks since we should should aim to protect our clients, and users from problems in the future.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

IT Fraud

IT fraud is a disgusting thing to do. It is so easy to pull off as to why many people do it. You see, the problem with IT fraud is that people that does not involve their selves with IT, has a tendency to have a hard time distinguishing fact from fraud. It is their lack of education and gullible tendencies that makes them an easy target. Another factor of people falling victim of IT fraud is the tendency of people to get attracted to "cheap" IT products. Take this instance for example; In E-bay, there was a time where a certain 32G “Sony" USB Flash disk was being sold for like, 1.5k++ pesos. It was a shock to many back to people on how a 32G USB flash drive was so cheap since during those times, a 1G generic flash disk already costs 1k+ pesos. Because of this, may people bought the USB disk, a lot bought bundles of order only to find out soon after that it was a FAKE. The 32G "Sony" USB disk might really show that it contains 32G when you look it up on properties, but, once you store big files in it, the files would be saved, but wont be retrievable anymore. But then, people didn’t know that. People still believed that it was 32G since it showed 32G on property and even worse, told their friends about it. More people got tricked because of that and even more people got rich. You see, before we buy something unbelievable, we should first look it up in the net to see if whether it exists or not. If not, don’t bother buying it because it most probably is a fraud.