Sunday, September 30, 2007

Market Revision

The discussion last class was interesting. I mean, think about it, the market doesnt really tend to look on the importance of quality over a price of product when in comes to investing into technology. People gets tricked by fake advertisment over claims that, "most of the times", cant even be verified.

Take freelance-job websites for example. Imagine people bidding of for the lowest price they can make the project. I mean, how can the companies, that wants projects, such as security-strict website confirm that the man they give the job to is really ok and could make the job run smoothly and perform as asked over a period of time, if they just go over bidding on who can make the job faster and cheaper. And believe me, people most of the times, only look on the terms of pricing and fast work, while they should be looking more, or testing, the people you want to give the jobs to.

The market should be thought of new things if you ask me. They should all be oriented on how technology should work to avoid scams and poor performance software output from people they hire. Better yet, hire an IT personell or a proggrammer for who else could better understand and evaluate a programmer than an IT or a programmer itself, right?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Flash Memory vs Hard Disk

"Will  flash disk prevail over hard, magnetic disks?"

I came to an interesting article in the internet, saying that it wont and how flash disk is so much more expensive than hard disk. But how much longer will it take for flash disk to catch up? I mean, considering the price of flash disks before, it surely has dropped in a tremendous amount compared to what it was then. I'm not saying that hard disk wasnt dropping prices but considering the trend of the price drop, I wouldnt be surprised to hear or see that the prices of it is at a 1:2 or even better, a 1:1 ratio on HD price vs Flash.

Just take CD vs Floppy for example, back then, CDs were much more expensive than floppy disks. It was too overpriced and just to have a cd reader, or cd-rom, would cost you a lot. There were a lot of issues back then too, but then, CD prevailed over time right? It's just a matter of giving more time to advance the technology that we have now.

Flash started to a point where HDD was already being used for so many years. It has an unfair advantage of say like, tens of years, and judging Flash to be the one losing should not be the case. Compared to growth, I’ll say flash grew faster, and I say that Flash memory shall prevail in the near future. It's just a matter of time until someone discovers something that will make flash memory, the new primary choice of storage. Until then, we're stuck to the hard disk which sucks up electricity a lot, huge, has life spans, and can only rotate for a limited amount of time.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Technology is Getting Cheaper and Cheaper

Technology is getting cheaper exponentially. I mean, if you come think of it, It just doesnt make sense. It's hard to imagine how better performing systems, processors, memory storage devices, is somewhat cheaper than their weaker predecessors. Not only that the new released ones are better in performance, but actually, they are smaller, and much more compact than their predecessors too. 

Take flash disks for instance; A year ago, a 512MB flash disks costed much more than how a 1G flash disks costed now. Nowadays, a 512MB flash disk may be given out 
for free already.

Truly technology is growing so fast and so cheap. Soon, it wont be just the people with money that is going to be able to own high performance PCs and "high tech gadgets", the not so able people will be able to get a hold of their own too and more people will be able to contribute. When that time comes, just imagine how much faster the rate of the improvement of technology will become and how much more cheaper and compact the future devices will be. 

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sept 17 ManTech Class

This september 17 class was a real eye opener for me, imagine, all this time, I was so dumb still thinking that a primary memory card for your PC still costs 3000 pesos more than what it costs now. It's not only the prices that goes down so fast thou, things in the IT world changes so fast too.

It made me realize and think about how fast the rate of technology is improving to such 
a point that not getting hold of information as soon as possible will get you left behind, fast. I realized that to be able to get into a deep understanding with technology, a lot of time online in the net, doing research is a very necessary task. I just  realized that what they said about the study of technology as life long learning, is definitely true.